Consults: What To Expect & Ask

Your authorised prescriber (whether it’s your GP or a specialist clinic Doctor) will be your guide across your alternative therapy journey. Here at the Farma Education Hub, we’ve touched on having positive conversations and building trust with your Doctor, but this week we’re taking it back to basics, getting you prepared for that very first consult.

Your medical history & current symptoms

Depending on the clinic, you may be triaged by a nurse or nurse practitioner prior to speaking with your prescribing Doctor – either way, be prepared to share your medical history and explain all relevant details. Be honest and open and discuss the symptoms you’re looking to alleviate – this will allow them to tailor the right treatment plan for you.

What you’ve already tried

Your prescriber will likely ask you about what else you’ve tried to manage your current condition(s), these might include other standard pharmaceutical medications, self-directed techniques or therapy. Share how these worked for you, and if you are still utilising any of these treatments – of course, always disclose any medications and supplements you take to reduce the risk of prescribing something that may interact poorly with other prescriptions.

Alternative therapy experience

If you’ve used any kind of alternative therapy in the past, even if not through legal means – your prescriber may enquire about this. Don’t be afraid to be transparent, as this will also impact what kind of medication you could be prescribed – your Doctor is there to listen, learn and treat accordingly.

Your goals and expectations

Do you have a clear vision for what you’d like to get out of your alternative therapies plan? Share this with your Doctor and they will help to personalise your plan so it aligns with your needs and goals. Be open to a slow and steady approach and be prepared to take the journey as your prescriber suggests.

Worries & questions

It’s only natural to feel some anxiety when it comes to seeking a new form of treatment – in the realm of alternative therapies, there is also a stigma and reputation surrounding these medicines, so share any concerns with your Doctor. It’s also a great time to discuss budget queries and if you are seeking lower-cost options.

Dosage & administration

If you are prescribed medicine during your initial consult, your Doctor will guide you through the dosage and administration methods. This is an important time to ask any questions about the product itself, if you require accessories to administer it, what your dispense interval is (how frequently you can order), how you should track this and even how to store your medication. Take your time, don’t rush and consider keeping a notepad handy to write down guidance and questions so you don’t miss any.

By the time you reach the end of your first consult, you should feel that it’s been a collaborative conversation between yourself and your provider. Ensure you stick to a regular schedule of follow-up consults, as this will play an equally important role in customising your treatment plan over time. Remember, there are no stupid questions when it comes to your health.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.