#EqualAccess: Audience-Relevant Communication

Your plant medicine journey should always begin with your qualified prescriber – this might be your GP or a dedicated plant medicine Doctor, or even a Canwell authorised prescriber.

Once you’ve been approved as a Patient, however, it can be difficult to navigate the world of plant medicine content online.

Here at Farma, we advocate for following the guidance from your healthcare professional as your first port of call for product and dosing advice, titration, delivery methods and managing your unique symptoms.

Outside of this, we also recognise that there are communities of Patients both domestically and abroad, readily sharing information (and some misinformation) about plant medicine.

As both an alternative and controlled medicine with a significant cultural background, it’s only natural that Patient communities continue to nurture discussion, product reviews, clinic recommendations and beyond.

Out of our 1000-person Canwell Patient Survey earlier this year, more than 75% of responders visit other sources of plant medicine news and information, such as Cannabiz, Reddit, Discord and other online communities.

As such, we recognise the importance of Patient-led discussion, testimonials and feedback and where Patients are gravitating to for more information and guidance.

As part of our commitment to #EqualAccess, we strive to provide factual, current and easy-to-understand information written for plant medicine Patients, not just for other health professionals.

In order to truly drive accessibility for all Patients Australia-wide, it is an essential part of our mission to demystify the process of becoming a prescribed plant medicine prescribed and to empower Patients to manage their health successfully.

Here on the Farma blog, you’ll continue to see content that speaks directly to you, the Patient, and we encourage you to reach out with topics that you’d like to hear more on.