#equalaccess: Conversations with Loved Ones

While there is increasing acceptance towards alternative therapies here in Australia, having open and productive conversations with your friends and family can still be a challenge, as a delicate subject matter which may tap into fears, concerns and stigma surrounding certain medications.

Here’s Farma’s guide to sharing your alternative therapy journey with loved ones, and how to foster understanding and an open dialogue while minimising stigma and worries.

Get informed

Before you broach the topic with others, you’ll want to arm yourself with knowledge about your prescription medication and how it supports you to manage your specific health conditions. Refresh yourself on the legal status within your particular state (as these can vary), and get confident and comfortable with exactly how much you’d like to share. By having this information at the top of your head, you can avoid awkward questions and assumptions from others.

Right time, right place

When discussing any sensitive topic, choose the time and setting wisely. Aim for a quiet time when others can focus on what you’re saying without distraction and without feeling rushed. You may like to start small, telling those close to you first, and allowing them time to absorb this information and come back to you with follow-up questions.

Make it personal

Alternative therapies are so unique in that each path can look totally different from one Patient to the next – share your experience and the physical and psychological/emotional changes you’ve noticed. Help others to understand why you chose this type of therapy for your wellbeing – these kinds of personal anecdotes can help to “humanise” the subject matter and bring it back to Patient outcomes.

Have answers at the ready

You should be prepared for a range of reactions and questions from your audience – these may surround the legal implications, side effects and beyond. Find factual information you can share, or send them to trusted resources online to learn more. Above all, ensure you emphasise that you are under the care of a qualified prescriber, just like any other form of health care, and that you’re being monitored by a professional who understands your medical history.

Encourage discussion

Ideally, you’re sharing this information with people you care about, and who care about you. Encourage questions and shared perspectives, even if they clash with your own thoughts – try to avoid shutting down comments or criticisms and aim to get to the root of any concerns.

Remember that not everyone will share the same views on alternative medicine, either from previous negative experience, media and television and beyond – remain Patient and open.

Your healthcare, your choice

At the end of the day, what and how much you share about managing your health is up to you – consider who is essential to speak to. Make your wellbeing the priority, and carefully select your “support crew” around you along your healthcare journey.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.