“No two days are the same.” Q&A with Shivani Chand

Much of the magic of Farma comes down to our talented team working behind the scenes, starting with our Senior Pharmacist and Medicine & Dispensary Manager, Shivani Chand. Today, we’re taking 5 with Shivani to learn more about her career to date, and what excites her in the future of plant medicine.

Q: When did you first know you’d like to become a pharmacist? What drew you to this career path?

A: When I was around 9-10, my interest in the field was ignited by a family friend who worked as a pharmacist. Observing her dedication to assisting people in need instantly inspired me and planted the seeds of interest in this profession. During my high school years, my interest in chemistry further strengthened this interest. As a pharmacist, you’re able to make such an impact on the lives of others, and I knew I wanted to make my mark on this industry.

Q: What is a myth you can bust for us about being a pharmacist, or something that might surprise us?

A: I have 2! First up, the idea that being a community pharmacist is the only career path after getting a pharmacy degree. In my 11-year career, I have worked in some very interesting spaces such as Aged Care pharmacy, Fertility, Compounding, E-Commerce and now Plant Medicine.

Of course, people also often assume it’s a simple “stick-the-label-on-the-box” type of job – while dispensing is a pivotal part of what we do, in a typical day, especially for community pharmacists, you’re engaging a range of diverse activities. From reviewing patient medication, compounding products, to offering guidance, monitoring blood pressure levels, counselling and beyond, no two days are the same, and community pharmacists play a crucial role in both preventative and primary care.

Q: What about working in plant medicine do you love?

A: The whole journey of plant medicine to a point of getting legalisation, to breaking the stigma around it and of course, the patient feedback. While we can’t share specific stories or conditions, it is hugely rewarding to be able to provide our service and care.

Q: What are some of the key skills and values that make a great pharmacist?

A: Empathy and compassion, attention to detail, strong communication skills, adaptability, problem-solving and teamwork.

We’ll continue to share profiles of our Farma crew across the coming months. If you have any Q&A questions for Shivani, be sure to email us at hello@farma.au.