Preparing for Your First Farma Consult: The How-To Guide

#1: Confirm Your Eligibility

If you’re ready to get started on your natural medicine journey, the very first step you should take is to confirm if you are an eligible Patient. Here’s our simply Eligibility Test at our partnered clinic, Canwell.

Remember: even if you’re deemed eligible via the above quiz, there are no guarantees that you will be approved as a natural medicine Patient, but it’s a good guide as to whether you meet the necessary requirements.

#2: Speak to Your Health Care Team

Next up, we recommend getting in touch with your GP, health specialist and/or psychiatrist who are currently treating you. Speak with them about your intention to try natural medicine – you may like to request a referral from them as this helps our prescribing Doctors to get a clear guide to your health history to date, as well as what other medications you’re currently taking.

Please note: a referral from your GP or specialist isn’t essential, but we recommend communicating any change to your medication with your health care professionals to ensure they are aware of your new treatment plan. While every Patient is different, please be aware that specific psychiatric or psychological conditions and medications may require an additional note from your mental health professional that approves you for treatment with natural medicine.

#3: Connect with a MC Prescribing Professional

We’re excited that Australia’s natural medicine clinic community continues to grow, so all Patients have plenty of options to choose from. If you would like to utilise a Canwell Telehealth Doctor for your first consult, you can book in here.

#4: Prepare Your Questions

Take some time to note down your questions for your Doctor ahead of your first consult – it’s easy forget in the moment, so keep a reminder nearby and have a notebook and pen handy to write down specific brands or dosing guidance from your Doctor during your consult window.

While your Doctor is highly experienced in consulting and prescribing, please feel confident to ask questions or share any concerns with them. Honesty is key here, so we recommend being completely transparent about any natural medicine experience or use to date – by providing your Doctor with all relevant information during your consult window, you can ensure you receive the most appropriate advice and care.

#5: Don’t Forget

Three questions we always recommend for Patients to ask their Doctor during their first consult are:

  1. What is my dispense interval?
  2. What is my total monthly gram allowance (especially relevant if you are being prescribed flower)?
    If you’re unfamiliar with either of the above terms, check out our in-depth blog on dispense intervals and related information here.
  1. Will you be prescribing under AP (Authorised Prescriber) or SAS (Special Access Scheme) approval? (Please note, if you are speaking with a Doctor who is prescribing under SAS, they are required to provide you with SAS documentation which will be specific to you as a Patient, and this will be documentation that your dispensing pharmacy will need in order to process your prescription).

#6: Making the Most of Your Appointment

Remember, your consult is your time. You should feel comfortable to share any concerns with your Doctor and ask any questions about your natural medicine plan and prescriptions.

Before you end the call, run through your question checklist to ensure you haven’t missed anything, and remember that you will require a follow-up appointment in coming months, where you can share updates on how your prescribed products are working for you or request changes with your Doctor.

At Canwell (Farma’s partner telehealth clinic), our Customer Service team are available to speak with both pre & post your first consult. If you have any further questions regarding what to expect in your appointment, please reach out to us via phone or email.