Removing Stigma: Transparent Communication with Your Doctor

In the plant medicine landscape, there’s no such thing as a “standard” protocol – every Patient is unique, and your plant medicine journey will be tailored specifically to your health requirements.

In creating this healthcare plan, it is helpful for your prescriber to understand your plant medicine experience to date, even if this has been through ‘black market’ or non-prescription means.

While plant medicine continues to be accepted more widely in Australia, the stigma remains for plant medicine Patients who may have self-medicated prior to connecting with a plant medicine clinic or Doctor.

Many Patients still have anxiety and concerns surrounding sharing their historical plant medicine use, so here’s our guide to staying transparent and open with your healthcare providers, and the benefits this will have on your plant medicine journey.

Tailored treatment

A comprehensive understanding of your medical history is essential for your Prescriber to tailor a bespoke treatment plan for you. Everything from the dosage, strain selection and other potential interactions with medication all rely on your honesty and transparency with your Doctor.

Remember: this goes for all existing medications you’re currently taking, including SSRIs and other prescriptions to manage psychological conditions.

Efficacy of medicine

The quality and potency of plant medicine on the black (illegal) market varies significantly, so by sharing your previous experience with your Doctor, they can make the appropriate dosage decisions for your prescriptions. This is essential for the titration of your medication, allowing you to find the optimal therapeutic volume of product while minimising side effects during use – if you don’t disclose prior use, it may take longer to find the right balance to treat your specific conditions.

An open dialogue

By encouraging open communication with your Doctor, you’ll build trust and safety within your Patient-Doctor relationship. This transparency goes well beyond black-market use – you want to feel comfortable sharing any negative side effects, concerns or queries with your Doctor, as well as feel confident asking questions.

The right provider

Remember that you should feel confident and comfortable speaking with your Doctor, and they should provide you with knowledge, advice and a non-judgmental attitude throughout your plant medicine journey – the right Doctor and team will prioritise your wellbeing above all.

For the appropriate candidates, taking the step to transition from the black market to the legal plant medicine market is one that should be supported, not judged. Transparent communication is the key to starting out on the right foot, so feel empowered to share your complete health history knowing it will result in the best level of care for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.