Common Patient Questions: Answered

Whether you’re preparing for a first consult or a subsequent follow-up appointment, it can take some time to get comfortable with terminology surrounding your alternative therapies journey. To help you navigate your appointments with confidence, we’ve put together a guide to some of the most common terms you might come across and what they mean […]

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Terpenes: A History Lesson

Terpenes are those fantastic organic compounds that are abundant in the plant and fruit world, and they vary widely in scent, function and therapeutic application. Just as terpene scents are both rich and diverse, so too is the history of the terpene. Let’s take a look from ancient civilizational use to modern-day scientific understanding – […]

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Tolerance Breaks: A Patient Guide

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘T-Break’ and wondered what was being referred to? A ‘T-Break’ is short for ‘Tolerance Break’, which essentially involves refraining from consuming your prescription alternative therapies for a predetermined period of time, allowing your body to reset its receptors that process alternative medicine. It’s well recognised that consistent use of […]

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Budgeting For Your Alternative Therapies

Across the board, we know cost is a concern for our Patients, so as part of bringing our #equalaccess mission to life, we’re taking you through some practical considerations for budgeting and pricing for your alternative therapies journey. Clinic consultations Patients here in Australia could feel overwhelmed with the influx of new alternative therapies providers […]

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#equalaccess: Conversations with Loved Ones

While there is increasing acceptance towards alternative therapies here in Australia, having open and productive conversations with your friends and family can still be a challenge, as a delicate subject matter which may tap into fears, concerns and stigma surrounding certain medications. Here’s Farma’s guide to sharing your alternative therapy journey with loved ones, and […]

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Finding What Works

As an alternative medicine Patient, and within a burgeoning industry here in Australia, there are a wide range of delivery methods and forms that your prescription can take. Choice is a fantastic thing, but it’s essential to strike the delicate balance between experimenting with different options to find what works and sticking with a routine […]

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Managing Your Medicine During the Festive Season

The festive season brings plenty of opportunity to connect with loved ones, enjoy a trip or a indulge in a staycation – but for alternative medicine Patients, it can bring a unique set of challenges and factors to manage. Let’s take a look at some helpful habits to keep in mind, supporting you to manage […]

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On Track: Mapping Your Alternative Medicine Journey

While your first source for all alternative therapies information should be your Doctor and health care team, there’s a lot you can personally bring to your therapeuric journey through accurately tracking your experience. Even if you’ve been a Patient for some time now, we encourage you to see how you can stay informed and empowered […]

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Removing Stigma: Transparent Communication with Your Doctor

In the plant medicine landscape, there’s no such thing as a “standard” protocol – every Patient is unique, and your plant medicine journey will be tailored specifically to your health requirements. In creating this healthcare plan, it is helpful for your prescriber to understand your plant medicine experience to date, even if this has been […]

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Navigating Dispense Intervals: A Guide for Natural Medicine Patients

When you first start down the natural medicine Patient path, you’ll be issued what’s known as a ‘dispense interval’ by your authorised prescriber, and this will impact how frequently you can order your medication. Here at Farma, we recognise dispense intervals are a hot topic for Patients, and a subject where confusion can easily creep […]

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