Tolerance Breaks: A Patient Guide

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘T-Break’ and wondered what was being referred to? A ‘T-Break’ is short for ‘Tolerance Break’, which essentially involves refraining from consuming your prescription alternative therapies for a predetermined period of time, allowing your body to reset its receptors that process alternative medicine.

It’s well recognised that consistent use of alternative therapies will see individuals build up a tolerance to their prescriptions over time, which can result in them needing more of a specific medication to achieve the same result – this is where a tolerance break can be particularly helpful.

Taking regular breaks, structured breaks from your prescribed alternative therapy plan can help you mitigate tolerance buildup and maintain the effectiveness of your treatment(s), but they aren’t for everyone – so let’s run through a few common FAQs regarding T-Breaks to discover if they are a good fit for you.

Do I really need a tolerance break?

If you are finding you’re not achieving the same therapeutic results from your usual dosing, and you have seen your requirements increase over time, you may benefit from a tolerance break. Tolerance can be influenced by several factors, including the type of prescriptions, the dose and of course, your unique biology.

What’s the first step I should take before I start a t-break?

Always speak with your prescriber before you commit to a tolerance break – it’s essential for your Doctor to approve this for your specific condition, as well as to confirm if your prescriptions contain the type of alternative medicine that would require a break to reduce your tolerance levels.

Some Patients will not be a good fit for a t-break – this may be because they are managing conditions that would deteriorate if they reduced their consumption, or because they have not yet reached the right therapeutic dose.

If I have built up a tolerance, does that mean I’m addicted?

In short – no. Tolerance and addiction are not one and the same – tolerance can occur with various substances outside of the medical space. Building up some level of tolerance to your alternative therapies is often a key part in finding the right dosing plan – there is no need to fear tolerance, but always discuss with your Doctor if you feel your tolerance has increased rapidly or if you feel concerned that you are consuming too much.

How long does a tolerance break need to run for?

Again, this should always be determined in consult with your prescriber – T-breaks last at least 48 hours, but could extend up to a week as required, but this duration will vary depending on your specific requirements.

What should I anticipate during a T-break?

Some Patients may experience changes to their mood, sleep and energy levels as their bodies and receptors readjust during their tolerance break. Planning ahead is essential, so consult with your Doctor and healthcare team to ensure you have the right tools with you – these could include things like over-the-counter herbal supplements or other options to manage symptom break-throughs.

Self-care during your T-break is essential, so ideally plan ahead for a time in your schedule where you can prioritise good sleep, exercise and a nutritious diet or even over a long weekend.

When utilised correctly, tolerance breaks can play a key role in optimising your treatment outcomes and ensuring you get the best out of your alternative therapies routine, but always consult your Doctor before you launch into your T-break.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.