Maximising the Benefits: Factors That Can Influence Your Experience

Here at the Farma blog, it’s our goal to provide you with audience-relevant communication and ongoing education – so while your Doctor will always be your first line of support for your alternative medicine journey, it’s always helpful to empower yourself with information that can aid you to support your own health goals.

Today, we’re looking at some of the other, less discussed, factors to consider when using alternative medicine, and how your experience can be influenced by them.

Method of administration

The way that you administer your medicine will play a significant role in how your prescription affects your body. Whether you consume alternative medicine through inhalation, ingestion or other means, this can impact the onset time, duration, and intensity of its effects – your Doctor should discuss this with you during your consults, so get familiar with your specific prescription factors.

Dose & potency

We’ve discussed ‘low and slow’ and the concept of titration here on the Farma blog – finding the right dosage and potency of your medicine can often be a process of small tweaks and adjustments. The strength or percentage/concentration of active compounds in each prescription product can vary, and individual tolerance levels are always unique the person. Our advice? Understand the potency and recommended dose of all of your prescriptions and use a journal to record your titration and dosing as you find your rhythm.

Timing & frequency of dosing

Ever taken a medication on an empty stomach and had a very different experience? The same goes for alternative medicine – consuming on an empty stomach may lead to faster absorption and potential stronger effects. Be aware of this especially when starting new medications, and maintain a consistent and regular dosing shedule that you can rely on to manage your specific symptoms and conditions.

The where, what & who

It’s always advisable to consume your alternative prescription medicine in a safe, comfortable and private environment whenever possible. Plan your dosing schedule accordingly and be aware of how the right setting can impact how your medication affects you.

Medication anxiety

It’s not uncommon to feel apprehension about starting a new prescription – if you do have medical anxiety, share this with your Doctor at your consult and have them suggest tools and titration guides to support the ‘start low and go slow’ method. You might even like to ask a trusted person in your life to be on standby for initial doses if you need any calming support or reassurance.

The effectiveness of alternative therapies can be influenced by numerous factors beyond the product itself, so arm yourself with the right information and feel confident in your alternative medicine plan.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.