The Follow-Up: Your Talking Points

Here at Farma, we’ve already discussed getting set for your initial appointment and the importance of keeping an open and honest dialogue with your prescriber. But, what about those ongoing follow-up appointments, what should you be asking? What should you be monitoring? How can you ensure you keep your Doctor informed of your ongoing journey?

Let’s take a look at some talking points, follow-up care considerations and questions that may be helpful for your next appointment:

Reflections – your current treatment plan

To know where you’re headed, you need to look at where you’ve come from. How has your current treatment plan worked for you – any notable improvements or setbacks, or any side effects (expected or unexpected)? Jot down some notes on how you’re feeling and if you can see a trajectory of improvement so far.

Efficacy & adjustments

During your next follow-up, a big talking point with your Doctor will be how well (or not!) your current treatment plan is working for you, especially how effective the medication is for your condition(s). If you’ve noticed positive changes, it’s a good time to share these – in the same way, be transparent with your Doctor if the current treatment plan isn’t meeting your expectations – this will also ensure you’re on the same page as to timelines and when you should see change taking place. From here, your Doctor can adjust your dosage, product lineup and more as required.

Managing unwanted potential side effects

Side effects don’t mean a medication isn’t working, but they can impact your quality of life and how you function, so be sure to detail and side effects with your Doctor. They will be able to offer strategies to minimise or manage side effects, or can look to adjust your prescriptions to products that may be better suited.

Explore alternatives

There isn’t a cookie-cutter approach to alternative therapies, so your Doctor should build a bespoke treatment plan for you. Part of this journey is also trying different products and/or delivery methods to see how they manage your symptoms – some will work better than others depending on your body, your condition and your lifestyle. If you’ve heard or read about a product you’re interested to try, a follow-up consult is a great place to discuss your options with your prescriber.

Monitoring & ongoing care

Long-term monitoring and care is an essential part of being an alternative medicine Patient – ask your Doctor about how frequently you should be checking in, what parameters they will be monitoring, and how you can ensure they get the information they need. Think of yourself and your Doctor working collaboratively to find solutions for you, and aim to work in sync together.

Macro vs micro view

In addition to utilising alternative therapies, we always encourage Patients to take a holistic snapshot of their lifestyle and speak to their Doctor about other ways they can manage their medical conditions. This might be through a new type of movement, addressing any dietary deficits or getting more sleep each night – your Doctor can then ensure you introduce new lifestyle habits slowly and safely.

Remember – every follow-up appointment presents an opportunity to collaborate with your Doctor & care team, so don’t miss out on the chance to empower yourself with more knowledge and a deeper understanding of how alternative medicine fits in with your life.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.