Navigating Consumption at Home

Individuals who are prescribed alternative medicines are anything but cookie cutter – Australian Patients span a range of demographics, many of whom rent or lived in shared living environments which can add a new layer of unique considerations to the process of medicating safely and discretely.

If you’re a renter (or living in a shared home with family), here’s the Farma guide to ensuring you can maintain a consistent healthcare plan, while also taking into account those around you, legal concerns and more.

Respecting your environment

First, it’s essential to be aware and respectful of the personal preferences and boundaries of others you live with – not everyone may be comfortable with alternative therapies being used at their place of residence, even for prescribed purposes. If you feel secure to do so, it’s always worth have an initial conversation with housemates or family members to give them the opportunity to discuss any concerns, and to have an agreed-upon approach to your usage and how this may impact them.

Reduce odours

While not every form of alternative medicine is applicable, there are forms that will have a more obvious smell when being consumed, which can travel. This could bother others living with you, or potentially irritate allergies of those you live with, so consider using odour-neutralising mists, an air purifier and ensure adequate ventilation before you consume. Always keep all medication stored safely, ideally in a locked box, especially if you live with others or in a rented home (both for smell and safety of your property and others that may be able to access it).

Understand your rights & responsibilities

If you’re renting, get familiar with your rental agreement and any specific policies regarding the use of alternative therapies. If you have a good relationship with your landlord or rental managers, you may be able to have a candid conversation with them, especially if you will be consuming product that emits a noticeable smell. As a responsible Patient, it’s on you to abide by local guidelines and specific laws, and it’s always better to be on the front foot with these conversations.

Open lines of communication

Once you have a good routine going and are comfortable consuming your prescriptions at home, keep the lines of communication open with those you live with. Ensure they are kept in the loop to changes in your medication schedule as required and give them a heads up before you’re about to consume if it will be in a shared living space.

Seek professional advice

If you feel you have followed your landlord’s guidelines and have then been discriminated against because of your alternative therapies use, it may be helpful to seek outside council from a legal expert who specialises in this kind of law. It’s your right to consume medication required safely and privately, but there are many grey areas in this space, so we encourage you to seek professional advice for more in-depth conversations.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate legal guidance, please consult with relevant legal authorities or a qualified professional.